Indie Web Series: Inner G

Acceptance, supernatural encounters, and love are all prominent topics that can shape a society and human beings. Whether it’s learned by a person’s upbringing or through their own experience, it’s not a secret that lately all media forms haven’t shied away from all types of depictions of these themes on screen. Inner G joins in on this effort in order to bring new stories shaped through the human experience. 

Inner G tells the story of a group of six friends who attempt to find a balance between their emotions and how it affects their relationship with others and with society. Though each character is shown in a different reality in their relationships or life, the strong connection between each one due to the nature of their stories or how they meet is what carries the show in a constructive way.

The series is presented through three episodes that range from 16 to 21 minutes depending on the story, characters, and topics it wants the audience to explore. The story begins with friends Mona and Diane, played by Samara Scott and Kadianne Whyte, who serve as the main connection that drives the series. Diane bumps into Reginald, played by Mike Merrill, while exercising in a park, while Mona is having her first meeting with Alexis, played by Ulrike Stewart.

It is in these events where we receive the first acknowledgment of self-discovery for Mona, as she later on develops feelings for Alexis in the midst of her divorce. Diane’s situation encompases a spiritual truth after she learns that the man she met at the park had passed away recently, with his spirit deciding to guide her to his twin brother Roman. The rest of the series develops as though the viewer carefully has to set up a gigantic puzzle without most of its pieces.

This is a formula that tends to hold Darnel Williams’ creation together for the most part, as the plot eventually becomes hard to follow. This is due in part to a small lack of development of characters, specifically Roman and Diane’s romance. As an opening act the premise of Diane having a supernatural encounter with Reginald that leads to her relationship is a brilliant plot that eventually leaves viewers craving a more developed storyline for these two characters.

This quality also pertains to Alexis' storyline in her struggle to stand up to her husband Marcus, played by Devin Robinson, in order to achieve a healthier situation emotionally. Though it might be a technique to keep audiences intrigued for future episodes, it also causes a sense of emptiness while attempting to have viewers understand each character’s background, development and how their arc may embody the purpose of the show. Williams has not been bashful in letting audiences know that future episodes will answer all raising questions in order to keep developing the story the right way.

This happens to be the complete opposite for Mona’s storyline, as her story receives a favorable arc that presents a very relatable narrative. Williams goes deep in presenting Mona’s relationship with her sister who ends up being uncomfortable at the thought of her being with another woman. Her best solution? Calling up a group of friends for an intervention in their very home.

This moment presented in Episode 2 is a stand out for the series. Williams accomplishes to showcase responses from a negative perspective with individuals who enjoy dictating their views on other people, while not reflecting on their own inadequate actions. In continuing to flesh out Mona’s character during her honest conversation with her sister towards the end of the episode, Williams succeeds in making her story the most developed and relatable chronicle presented in the series.

Inner G has garnered a hefty community of followers who continue to be intrigued by Williams’ creation due to the distinct premise of the series that separates it from the majority of the media that is presented in other venues. All episodes have no less than 105k views, with the premiere episode gaining 1.4k likes. Williams also serves as a producer and writer for this Atlanta based production.

The first season for Inner G titled Revelations was launched on August 1st, 2018. It wasn’t until November 25th, 2018 that the web series was presented on the YouTube platform via the WatchCoCoTV channel. The series has also been showcased in other major streaming platforms including Amazon prime after gaining over a thousand views on its first episode.

This has resulted in the WatchCoCoTV platform to expand as a TV network. With an aim to present purposeful and original diverse programming, the network premieres features, shorts, episodic series and documentaries complemented by diverse creators and actors. With a monthly subscription viewers can also have access to all of the content by streaming on their computers, phones or tablets in exchange for supporting all of the creators presented on the network.

Inner G can prove to be an innovative premise on how different circumstances can not only connect people, but also shape them into becoming comfortable in their own skin. While not without its flaws, the series can reach its maximum potential by truly taking its time to further develop each character's story in order for each role to come full circle with their spiritual truths, self-discovery and self-love in future episodes. Be sure to not miss out on this show, as it might prove to eventually surprise viewers and make its mark in the digital platform community.


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