A Survey From Maru Group/Blue Omnibus Shows Young Adults Warming Up To Will Smith

Will Smith - Nicky J Sims / Stringer

A new survey gauged U.S. consumer attitudes toward Oscar-winning actor Will Smith in an attempt to explain the comeback he’s experiencing less than a year after slapping Chris Rock at the Academy Awards. Young adult supporters of Smith are unusually vocal, even though older demographic groups have been slower to change their minds about him. The age demographics are 18-34; 35-54; and 55+.

Age Demographics of Surveyed Individuals

Source: Maru/Blue Omnibus; Note: Data Fielded December 16, 2022; Survey Total: 1,517

In a survey of 1,517 participants conducted by Maru Group/Blue Omnibus on December 16, 2022, 29% of consumers aged 18 to 34 said that their opinion of Smith had improved after the Oscars, compared to 8% of consumers aged 35 to 54 and 6% of customers aged 55 and older. The 29% was almost twice as high as the percentage of people aged 18 to 34 who said their opinion of Smith had worsened because of the Oscars. Favorability levels were at least three or four times higher among viewers over the age of 34 than they were among those who felt more strongly toward Smith.

The survey questions are as follows:

  • How has your perception of Will Smith changed, if at all, between the Oscars and today?

  • Thinking about how Smith conducted himself between the Oscars and today, have the following changed your impression of him, if at all?

  • How has Smith's conduct at this year's Oscar ceremony impacted your interest seeing a movie with him in the starring role?

  • What was your perception of Smith before he slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards?

Change in Opinion of Will Smith Since Oscars Percentage

Survey Q: How has your perception of Will Smith changed, if at all, between the Oscars an today? Survey Total: 1.517

Change in Opinion of Will Smith Since Oscars Percentage: Ages 18-34

Survey Q: How has your perception of Will Smith changed, if at all, between the Oscars an today? Survey Total: 439

Change in Opinion of Will Smith Since Oscars Percentage: Ages 35-54

Survey Q: How has your perception of Will Smith changed, if at all, between the Oscars an today? Survey Total: 499

Change in Opinion of Will Smith Since Oscars Percentage: Ages 55+

Survey Q: How has your perception of Will Smith changed, if at all, between the Oscars an today? Survey Total: 579

The positive perception of Smith could be the reason why Emancipation, his most recent drama picture, was approved for an early-December release in cinemas and on TVs for Apple TV+ members. Given the controversy surrounding the actor after smacking Rock, Apple apparently thought about delaying the release of the film. Unsurprisingly, the issue caused Smith's Q Scores to drop.

Impact of Will Smith's Post-Oscars Conduct on Perception: Apologies He Has Made

Survey Q: Thinking about how Smith conducted himself between the Oscars and today, h have the following changed your impression of him, if at all? Total Surveyed: 1,402; 18-34 (406); 35-54 (465); 55+ (530)

Impact of Will Smith's Post-Oscars Conduct on Perception: Interviews He Has Given

Survey Q: Thinking about how Smith conducted himself between the Oscars and today, h have the following changed your impression of him, if at all? Total Surveyed: 1,402; 18-34 (406); 35-54 (465); 55+ (530)

Impact of Will Smith's Post-Oscars Conduct on Perception: Social Media Posts

Survey Q: Thinking about how Smith conducted himself between the Oscars and today, h have the following changed your impression of him, if at all? Total Surveyed: 1,402; 18-34 (406); 35-54 (465); 55+ (530)

Smith’s post-Oscar conduct appears to have helped get him back in the good graces of some consumers. The Maru/Blue Omnibus survey found the 18-34 age group gave him much higher marks than older moviegoers for the apologies, interviews, and social media posts he’s made as part of his image-rehabilitation efforts throughout 2022. The constant coverage of Smith in the wake of the Oscars altercation may have also helped the release of Emancipation. Thirty percent of viewers 18-34 said Smith’s conduct with Rock made them more interested in seeing him star in a movie — three times the amount of viewers age 35+ who said the same.

Willingness to See Will Smith in a Lead Role

Survey Q: How has Smith's conduct at this year's Oscar ceremony impacted your interest seeing a movie with him in the starring role? Survey Total: 1,517

Willingness to See Will Smith in a Lead Role: Ages 18-34

Survey Q: How has Smith's conduct at this year's Oscar ceremony impacted your interest seeing a movie with him in the starring role? Survey Total: 439

Willingness to See Will Smith in a Lead Role: Ages 35-54

Survey Q: How has Smith's conduct at this year's Oscar ceremony impacted your interest seeing a movie with him in the starring role? Survey Total: 499

Willingness to See Will Smith in a Lead Role: Ages 55+

Survey Q: How has Smith's conduct at this year's Oscar ceremony impacted your interest seeing a movie with him in the starring role? Survey Total: 579

Before he slapped Chris Rock, Will Smith was seen favorably by all demographics. Apple claimed to be content with the viewership levels on its streaming service, despite Emancipation's mixed critical reception and its brief theatrical run producing minimal box office returns. Smith is eligible for an Oscar nomination, but the 10-year ban the Academy imposed on him following the slapping incident will prevent him from attending the 2023 ceremony.

Public Perception of Will Smith Ahead of Oscars Incident

Survey Q: What was your perception of Smith before he slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards? Survey Total: 1,517

Public Perception of Will Smith Ahead of Oscars Incident: Ages 18-34

Survey Q: What was your perception of Smith before he slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards? Survey Total: 439

Public Perception of Will Smith Ahead of Oscars Incident: Ages 35-54

Survey Q: What was your perception of Smith before he slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards? Survey Total: 499

Public Perception of Will Smith Ahead of Oscars Incident: Ages 55+

Survey Q: What was your perception of Smith before he slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards? Survey Total: 579

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