Indie Content Creator: Lejuan James’ comedic routine

Often we hear people say that laughter is considered the best medicine. Through comedy, audiences tend to lean on the performers to unplug and have fun with their routines that, in some cases, become more intimate than they would think. Content creator Lejuan James continues to impress with this quality and more through his ongoing creations in the digital platform community.

James’ platform primarily focuses on comedy sketches that reflect diverse situations or qualities from Hispanic communities. His content became an instant hit by resonating with audiences through a variety of videos that stem from his experiences of growing up Latino in the United States. From parenting tips to relationship gimmicks, James never seems to fail in the creativity department when it comes to his content.

The presentation of James’ videos proves to be effective through simple execution and a format that still holds up. The sketches presented in the videos can last from 1 to 5 minutes depending on the subject depicted, which is an aspect that proves impressive as our content creator accomplishes to never lose sight of the purpose of each video. The editing serves as the creator’s right hand by bumping up both the comedy and intentions of each sketch.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of James’ content is the one-man comedy show feel accomplished through every presentation, as the comedian serves as the vessel for every character depicted in the video while using his family members on some occasions as extras. This concept shines as a great feature in James’ channel due to his excellent interpretation, which can range from 3 to 5 characters, in each video. Most recently, James’ decided to incorporate well-known inanimate objects, such as a belt and Vicks products, through costumes resulting in a great addition to the already hilarious content.

Lejuan James started his YouTube journey in 2013, after having success with his project through the Vine app. With 123 videos, his platform has evolved successfully with 253,000 subscribers and no less than 574,000 views. This has prompted James’ to incorporate partnerships with brands such as Captain Morgan and T Mobile in the expansion of his platform to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, which all surpass 24,000 followers.

But perhaps another side of James’ that we see in his platform proves to be the most successful one of all. By consistently making his projects a family affair, James makes it clear that the biggest purpose in his life is to give back to his family. This is presented in his acclaimed chronicle of surprising his parents with a new house, which serves as an accomplishment of a life long dream for our content creator.

His experiences with his family also drew inspiration for the comedian to branch out as an author. James released a book titled “Definitely Hispanic” in 2019, which chronicles the Latino family life through memoiristic essays mixed in with his comedic style. The book also dedicates some chapters to Hispanic parenting, grandmothers, and what role gossip plays in this upbringing. The book was praised by the majority of Latinos who grew up in the United States for its relativeness and approach.

If you are in the search for relatable content that tickles your funny bone, Lejuan James is the channel for you. With a mix of sketches that stem from family, relationships, and work experiences, it comes as no surprise that this Latino continues to dominate the digital platform community in a time where authenticity seems to be the order of the day. Stay tuned to the continued growth of this comedian, as it promises to keep nailing the punch line.


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