Indie Content Creator: Ingrid Nilsen’s breakthrough

As we enter a new decade, we learn that there are two paths in life we can take. The first is to celebrate this milestone by continuing to do what we are recognized for while adapting to the times and their distinctive changes. The second is to embark on a new journey after the realization that the years passed serve as a reflection of the personal and professional growth achieved, which in this case is embodied by the metamorphosis that content creator Ingrid Nilsen has undergone in the digital platform community.

We meet Nilsen almost 10 years ago when she published her first YouTube video. Launching her brand in 2009 under the name missglamorrazzi, our content creator became known for her videos based on fashion, lifestyle, and makeup tips for every occasion. But this all started to evolve as her community became a witness to Nilsen’s growth in content and topics depicted along with the personal evolution that inspired the changes that took place throughout the course of her journey.

But it was in 2015 that Nilsen’s content started to shape up to be more in tune with what she was going through in her path of acceptance, after posting a video where she came out as gay. The confession also became a turning point for Nilsen’s community who saw her come clean about the use of her personality in previous videos as a defense mechanism. The video currently has over 18,000,000 views and 817,000 likes with both fans and fellow content creators supporting Nilsen during this time.

The video also prompted Nilsen to be more open with what topics she wanted to present on her page that stemmed from her own experiences in life. These range from discussing being gay and Asian to mental health issues and awareness with professionals in the area in order to showcase different perspectives to her audience. Nilsen has also been applauded for not shying away from discussing diverse topics that have to do with periods, which can range from myths to must-have products that help deal with mother nature’s ways while advocating for a change of perspective of these topics in society by launching campaigns such as Power to the Period in partnership with Do Something and U by Kotex.

The execution of Nilsen’s content through the years reflects a professional and organized matter that has helped her garner a strong following in the YouTube community. This also includes making her content appealing with smart inserts of fun facts of a product or even choosing a theme to distinguish the season depicted with the well thought out purpose of educating and informing her viewers. With a total of 755 chronicles that span her content in many years, it’s no surprise that Nilsen reached her peak in the YouTube community thanks to a mix of consistency and adaptation that reflected well her brand.

While other content creators celebrate the new decade by reflecting and continuously adjusting their content for their audience, Nilsen took the opportunity to announce that she was leaving the YouTube community after 10 years. The video, which lasts 48 minutes, serves as a reflection of Nilsen’s journey and the reasons why she chose to close this chapter in her life to embark on a new path that wasn’t so planned and meticulous in comparison to her content. Nilsen also takes the opportunity to share what led to her creating videos for the platform by explaining the complexities of her experience growing up in the United States in a household with her mother, who is Thai, and the loss of her father, who was Norwegian, during her teenage years.

After leaving the platform Nilsen has kept her focus on her newsletter titled One Step Wellness and has been active on other social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Her most recent project is a scent studio titled The New Savant in partnership with her girlfriend Erica Anderson. The collection of candles can vary from time to time with every piece handmade by our content creator in Brooklyn who explained that the name derives from both her experience of dropping out of college and as a commentary of the U.S. educational system not being sustainable for everyone.

It is clear that the growth we see in Nilsen on the digital media spectrum reflects a more in-depth outlook into the complications surrounding the changes that affect us both professionally and personally. After leaving her mark in the digital platform community, the choice for Nilsen to delve into the unknown seemed daunting to many but a size-able release for her. Make sure to not lose sight of this creator as it seems she is bound to make a comeback in the most unexpected ways.


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